Decepticon Seeker Tetra-Jet
These jets are based on the first episode of the Transformers cartoon from the early 80’s. Within the first five minutes of the episode, these jets were established as the original form of the Deception Seekers.
For more information about the Decepticon Seekers, check out the Transformers Wiki.
As I had never seen this design represented as a statue or toy, so I thought it would be fun to give it a shot, and create something unique.
3D printed, hand painted, and mounted on a wooden base with added Deception insignia, these jets were a lot of work and came together very nicely. The finished product made me smile, and dare I say it, were more than meets the eye.
Made for the Transformers exhibition at Artboy Gallery, Melbourne Australia.
From the pilot episode “More than meets the eye”.
Finished Thundercracker jet, straight from Cybertron.
The famous Skywarp. As seen in the first five minutes of The Transformers.
Skywarp and Thundercracker sitting on their Decepticon bases.
All four Tetra Jets. Two Large, two small, ready for display at Artboy Gallery.
Close up of the Tetra jets.
Thundercracker on display at the gallery.
Skywarp models on display at the Artboy gallery.