Creative Technologist, Maker and Teacher
Gil Poznanski keynote speaks about:
- Creative technology
- Maker culture
- Education
- Engagement
- Innovation
- Popular culture
and the possibility of creating a better world through technology.
Gil Poznanski – Make dreams come alive!
Gil is a Creative Technologist, industry leader, ambassador and activator for the Maker Movement who helps people with big ideas to create and communicate what’s important to them by tapping into the power of technology. As a world-recognised maker, teacher and engaging speaker, Gil delivers keynote presentations on a number of topics including Maker Culture, Innovation, 3D printing, Community and Creativity as well as Popular Culture.
Gil began running dedicated training events and presentations for individuals who wanted to learn about transformational change in the creative technology and the maker space industry. He has the unique ability to bring maker technology to everyone in a way that is simple, effective and driven by creativity. His workshops help others excel in their career by tapping into the creative possibility available to them.
An empowering keynote speaker and a passionate innovator, Gil shares his experience and expertise to help other communities learn new skill sets, facilitate them becoming creators and inspiring them to build the kinds of creative technology utopias that have never been seen before.
Gil has successfully partnered with industry professionals to guide and enable them to take steps in developing creative technology strategy. With the ability to turn dreams and passion into reality through maker workflows such as 3D printing, prototyping and electronics, Gil inspires new levels of creativity and innovation in everyone that he works with.
Driven by creative results, Gil invests the time to workshop a variety of solutions and directions based on past experience and tailored to his audience’s needs. With the use of 3D printing and imagination, the opportunities are endless and these opportunities are available to people of all ages.
Gil strongly believes that anyone of any skill level with a big idea can literally hold their imagination in the palm of their hand by eliminating their fear of technology and claiming its power to make the impossible, possible.
Gil provides the skill, the experience and the means to take ideas and turn them into reality. His greatest gift is to demystify technology, remove the fear and unlock the creative potential in others from those who think they have no ideas to those with a vision that they lack the skills and knowledge to bring to life.
If you, your business, community or school has a dream, idea, vision, or wants to “think outside of the box and inspire people to create the impossible” you need the right creative technology tools and skills to make it happen. Gil’s passion is to teach you those skills, share the tools and empower you to bring your vision to life.
Gil serves as a guide, mentor and activator to turn that dream into a tangible product and loves sharing what that possibility could mean for you.
Are you ready to learn how to hold your imagination in the palm of your hand?
Are you looking for a speaker for your next business conference or event?
Gil Poznanski is a world recognised maker, teacher and engaging speaker. He is available to speak on a number of topics including Maker culture, innovation, 3D printing, community and creativity as well as popular culture.
Presentations and training materials can be customised to meet the needs of your audience. Gil Poznanski travels from Melbourne, Australia.

Gil discusses the formal education system, and how the formal learning system is missing out on the important step of allowing people to implement what they have learned in a real-world peer to peer problem-solving challenge.

Gil was invited to take part in the “Talking Heads” series at Initiative Melbourne in 2017. HIs subject “The Narrative of Spectacle” discussed how people are wired to seek and express a story or narrative, how this can be used to engage and teach outside the formal education systems as seen in Maker culture world wide.

Professional Speaker Fee:
Please e-mail for speaker rates. A 50% deposit is required to reserve the date with the balance due on the day of the event. Special considerations may be made for non-profit organisations. You can also fill out the Speaker Request Form here. Gil Poznanski speaks about Creative technology, Maker culture, STEAM/STEM, innovation, engagement, education, popular culture and the possibility of creating a better world through technology. He travels from Melbourne, Australia.